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What is Zero-day attack?

“Zero-day” is defined as the latest security vulnerabilities the hackers can use to attack systems.  It is also termed as the company or developer has just learned about the flow in the software that needs to be addressed and fixed in zero days.  Severe impact will be on the company with respect to the brand value and revenue loss if the zero-attack takes place before the developers have chance to address the issue.

Who does Zero Attack?

Cyber Criminals
Corporate Espionage

What can be the targets for Zero-day attacks?

Operating systems
Web browsers
Office applications
Open-Source components
Hardware firmware
Internet of Things(IOT)

How does zero day exploit happen?

There are several ways a zero-day exploit can occur. In most cases, attackers use exploit code to take advantage of Zero day vulnerability. In some cases the exploits can be in the form of emails or attachments.

Steps attackers take for Zero-Day attack:

  1. Looking for vulnerability
  2. Vulnerability determined
  3. Exploit code created
  4. Zero-day exploit launched.

How to identify Zero-Day attacks?

It is always challenging to detect Zero-day vulnerabilities as they can take multiple forms like missing data encryption,

Missing  authorizations, broken algorithms, weak passwords or bugs in the systems. Due to the nature of vulnerabilities, detailed information about zero day exploits is available only after the exploit identified.

You observe unexpected traffic or suspicious scanning activity from client or service. The traditional approach for detecting Zero-Day exploits often involves relying on disparate network and endpoint protection technologies, which may cause gaps in the security system. Unfortunately, this may not be enough to combat attackers using advanced attack methods. Detecting advanced targeted attacks requires an integrated, multi-layered approach.

How to prevent Zero-Day exploits?

Zero-day vulnerabilities can leave the business to disastrous results. Here are few ways to take proactive and reactive


1.Use top rated security software-  Ensure the software doesn’t just cover known threats because zero-day attacks are
By definition attacks are not known.
2.Updated Software-Regular install of the updated software is needed as there can be security measures against intrusion.
3.Use updated browsers- Browsers are favorite targets for Zero-Day attacks. Make sure the browsers are updated as they often contain patches to vulnerabilities

How Prometis helps fight Zero-Day  Attacks?

Prometis is addressing the needs of organizations to accelerate detection and prevention of Zero-Day attacks. However, organizations of all sizes need to stay constantly vigilant to the developing tactics and methods used by attackers.

Zero-Day vulnerabilities are not only an industry-wide concern, but also an issue for all of us as collective end-users.

Overall, education, preparation and a swift response to Zero-Day vulnerabilities need to be a company-wide concern—from the top executives, board members, and IT security teams to all employees. Prometis is uniquely positioned to provide the technological solutions and actionable insights to help you strengthen your organization’s security posture today and on future horizons.

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